I often wonder why things cannot remain constant. I just want to live in peace, in harmony, in a steady rhythm of everyday activities. No more curve balls please. No more surprises. And then I wonder why we can't have less of some things. No more sickness. No more lack of understanding. No more impatience. No more violence. No more self-destruction. No more war. No more self-righteousness. No more judgments.
In the middle of my wonderings I see a hawk sitting, surveying, keeping watch, waiting. Okay, I know he is just looking for food, but I think of Daddy every single time I see one (who's body has been gone from this earth 6+ years now). Watching ... still ... calm ... high above it all ... unaffected by the trials and the inconsistencies of this life any longer (right?).
I'm reminded that eventually we WILL have continual peace and be engulfed in God's presence forever. Until then, that promise of hope & peace helps me to carry on ... in the here and now. Now I can face, and perhaps help, my patient that comes in inebriated or on drugs, trying to deal with this life and its problems. Now I can refocus my spirit and change my attitude. Now I can extend God's grace to the unlovable and the spiritually destitute. Now I can know God's love and share it, pour it out.
Now I can live with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Really? Really! But I am still striving to have/get/do/experience.find these as constants in the daily ickiness of life.