Monday, June 24, 2013

facebook post - 10/11/12

So you want to know what's on my mind, Facebook? I was just now thinking how sad the world can be for those that are lonely, bitter and/or angry. I was thinking that the sadness/loneliness/bitterness/anger impacts all of us, either directly or indirectly (ex: my impatience toward a client because of his rude behavior). It turned into compassion today when I heard a tiny piece of his story. This realization led me to wonder about larger examples when we affect each other so much ... families ... families ... communities ... wars. Don't these all start with a tiny seed of negative emotion, take root, and sometimes grow into humongous, nasty, toxic wars? WHAT IF EVERYONE HOLDING A WEAPON INVOLVED PUT IT DOWN AND PICKED UP A TOOL INSTEAD.?. Everyone, everywhere, would have houses and food ... and probably less sadness, loneliness, bitterness, anger ... and more friends. That's what is on my mind.

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